Sunday 3 March 2019

Middlemarch by George Eliot (Applying Feminism) Task for Students

In Middlemarch Eliot notably focuses on women of The Victorian society. As the novel is by a woman and for women Feminism can be applied at its best. Eliot has portrayed women of slightly different classes. She has put them in different situations.

Dorothea, majorly concerned one, is an upper class woman with idealistic ideas about life and marriage. Her decision to marry Edward Casaubon is because she wanted to a part of intellectual discourse with her husband. She decides to marry him because she wanted to help him in his research work as an assistant. It can be also interpreted that she wanted to satisfy her intellectual hunger by marring him. It was the time in which education and knowledge was limited to men only. Women were excluded from it. Perhaps for Dorothea it was the only way to be knowledgeable but she fails.

Rosamond is a girl of upper middle class. She wants to marry someone who does not belong to Middlemarch. By marrying someone life this she wants go out of Middlemarch town. She is very materialistic. She marries Dr. Lydgate but ultimately the marriage fails. One can't blame Rosamond for what she is as she has learned everything from the patriarchal society where the law of the father is powerful one.

Mary Garth is a middle,class woman but she is very realistic and natural. She stretches herself to help her family. She does not believe in romanticizing love and marriage instead she is very strict and hard on wrong decisions of Fred. She fulfills her responsibility of making him into a man.

All these women are involved in the process of creating 'safe zone'. They wish to have 'E' securities (Emotional and Economical). To see, at what extent they get success, requires critical thinking. 

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